
Summer on Sterling Run

Sterling Run, now open to the public through a working forest conservation easement, offers high-quality streams for native brook trout fishing. Friends who fished on Sterling Run over 35 years ago when it was previously open to the public went back to find their favorite spots to discover resilient populations, catching dozens of trout with dry flies and releasing them unharmed.

Governor Wolf visits Emporium Hardwoods

Three Rivers Forest Management and Lyme joined the team at Emporium Hardwoods to host Governor Wolf and Secretary Dunn for a tour of the recently rebuilt mill and its technological innovations for high productivity and high quality jobs in the local forest products industry. Read more.

EPA Pisces Award

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized the Sterling Run Conservation and Restoration project financed by PENNVEST through Pennsylvania’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund program as an Exceptional Project in 2019. Read more.

Forestry Summer Series

July – August 2019
We hosted public events in McKean, Potter, and Cameron Counties to introduce our forest management approaches. Discussions with the local community covered silviculture, harvest operations, log marketing, and conservation. Additional information on the events can be found on our event flier and in local news pieces.