Managed Forests
Three Rivers seeks to enhance both the economic and the ecological attributes of the forests it manages. The Lyme Allegheny Timberlands are managed and certified to the FSC ® and SFI ® Forest Management Standards to ensure sustainable management and conservation of the forest resource.
The Lyme Allegheny Timberlands are situated in the headwaters of three river systems: the Allegheny, Susquehanna, and Genesee. The lands are proximate to millions of acres of protected state and Federal lands and provide landscape scale ecological values.
Forest Health: We manage forests for species and age class diversity, promoting long-term forest health. We utilize a full range of silvicultural prescriptions to sustainably manage the forest for ecological and economic objectives.
Quality Hardwoods: Black cherry, red oak, hard maple, and soft maple are among the most economically important species on the lands we manage. This winter harvesting job produced pulpwood for papermaking, sawlogs for lumber production, and specialty logs for for veneer and export markets.
Recreational access: The property offers access for forest management and timber harvesting as well as recreation. The Sterling Run tract in Cameron County is open to the public through a working forest conservation easement with Pennsylvania’s Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Private recreational leases are available in other areas.