
Mill Investment at Bradford Forest Creates Jobs

The new owners of Bradford Forest, The Lyme Timber Company and the Rossi Group, have returned the mill to full 5-day-per-week production after several years of operating at about 60 percent capacity under the prior owners. In April 2021, when Lyme Timber and the Rossi Group purchased the mill, it employed 82 people. Employment rose to 125 by the end of 2021, with another 15 hires underway now. These new hires are needed to complete staffing of lumber operations, expand the dimension mill business, and fill administrative roles

Steve Bukowski, General Manager, comments “It is great to see the plant back to capacity with new faces alongside our long-time employees. We are fortunate to have strong partnerships among the business owners, reinvesting in the sawmill operations while carefully managing the timber assets.”  Read More